Monday, 5 February 2018

Everything you've ever wanted to know about DPO but never dared to ask

This is a great summary of key issues about the need and role of DPO


1. Does the requirement to designate a DPO apply both to controllers and processors? YES
2. Must organizations outside the EU designate a DPO? YES
3. Are there exceptions to designating a DPO for SME? NO
4. For a group of companies, can a single DPO be designated? YES
5. Must a DPO be located in the EU? NO
6. Can a DPO be desiganted for a specific processing activity or must it be designated for an organization's entire processing activities? YES
7. Can a DPO be held personally liable for an organisation's non-compliance with the GDPR? NO
8. Does the DPO have an obligation to report any potential violations to the supervisory authority? NO
9. Are there any formalities for designating a DPO? NO
10. Are there additional requirements that apply to DPOs under national law? YES

More detail here


Jersey Data Protection Association list of GDPR events

Data Protection Reform in the Channel Islands

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